Apr 17Liked by Jurgen Gravestein

Sort of a meta-question, but: which 3 questions do you recommend every leader or individual ask themselves when it comes to preparing for AI? Or: what should people be asking themselves before jumping into AI?

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Apr 16Liked by Jurgen Gravestein

As a graphic designer, I encounter a lot of AI in the commercial world. In which, in the future, no product photographers or models will need to be paid. Also, many artists are currently in revolt because their work is being used/scanned to create AI art. There are even galleries that already prohibit AI art. Will there be a way to recognize this kind of work in the future? Or will there be laws requiring a watermark to be shown if it's AI-generated? So, my question is, are there laws or regulations for creative expression?

Of course, I asked ChatGPT this question as well... :)

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Apr 12Liked by Jurgen Gravestein

Why isn't anyone talking about ideogram.ai? 🤯

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Brilliant idea!

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Full explainability - simply too revealing...?

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